About Us

Where do you meet?

First Baptist Church Mustang
928 N Mustang Rd.
Mustang, OK 73064

We meet at First Baptist Church Mustang in the children’s wing from 9am, extending into the afternoon on Mondays.

When do you meet?

Fall Semester

12 August 2024 – 9 December 2024

Labor day Break – 2 September 2024

Thanksgiving Break – 25 November 2024

Spring Semester

6 January 2025 – 28 April 2025

Spring Break – 17 March 2025

We meet on Mondays, taking a few breaks throughout the school year.


Enrollment Fee

$200 for the year for the whole family
(Can be split into $100 per semester payments)

Fall semester fee must be paid no later than 1 Aug.
This also secures your enrollment.

Class Fees

1 hour class = $30 per month
1.5 hour class = $45 per month

Class fees are paid directly to the teacher on the first Monday of the month.

Some classes also have supply fees due at the beginning of the year or semester.

Behavior Expectations & Dress

Because the focus at Grounded is on honoring the Lord, the behavior of every individual should reflect this.  Students should be respectful of themselves and others in their speech, behavior, and dress, remembering we are each image bearers of God.

Speech should reflect Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Behavior should be respectful and reflect a desire to “consider others as more important than yourself” as we’re called to in Philippians 2:3.

Dress should be modest, respecting ourselves and those around us. If wearing leggings, tops should be at least fingertip length. Shorts should also be at least fingertip length. If wearing a hoodie, shorts should be able to be seen under it.

We use Google Workspace for Education, including Google Classroom. Teachers post assignments, make up work, videos, or whatever they need to help your student stay on track and for you to know what they’re learning.

As the parent, you have FULL access to their account. We send all account information to you for you to set up for your student, regardless of age.

Since GroundedOk has its own registered Google Workspace, ONLY those with a Grounded email have access to our classrooms. The link CANNOT just be sent to anyone to join.

Are you a drop-off co-op?

Elementary grades (K – 5th) are NOT a drop off. These lower grade levels require a parent to stay on site at all times as we are not equipped for managing young children outside of class without a parent.

Well-behaved middle school and high school students can be dropped off. As long as they aren’t disruptive in study hall and can follow the rules, they’re good to go!

Service Hours

As part of participation at Grounded, every family is required to have one parent serve twice a semester at a station of their choosing. This primarily involves monitoring the halls, sign in table, or light cleaning. After enrollment is completed, a sign-up will be emailed out to choose service dates. These service hours help us ensure student safety as well as help keep us on good terms with our host church.

We don’t want this class anymore!

We understand sometimes a class won’t be the best fit and that’s ok. If you or your student changes your mind, you can withdraw at any time. However, past fees will not be refunded.

To drop a class, contact Grounded Admin and we will remove the student from the roll sheet.

If there is room available and the teacher has given their go-ahead, you can enroll your student in a different class. Depending on the class, make up work may need to be done.

Study Hall

A study hall area is provided for all students and parents not in a class.

Students 11 years old and younger cannot be unattended and must have a parent present.

What about bad weather?

We all live in Oklahoma. Do not drive in any conditions you do not feel comfortable in.

In the case of snow or other severe weather, an email will be sent out to announce classes have been cancelled. We also have a private Facebook group where we will announce it as well.

My kid is sick!

Stay home and get better! Please, do not bring your student if they have a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.

Contact your teacher to inform them of your absence and to find out anything you may need to know about your class for that week.

Where can my student go between classes?

A study hall area is provided for all students and parents to work, eat lunch, or visit quietly.

Students 11 years old and younger must have a parent present and cannot be unattended in study hall. Students 12 years old and older do not require a parent present if they behave responsibly.

What about lunch?

Lunch break is from 12pm – 12:30pm. Feel free to bring your own lunch. Lunch is eaten in our study hall area in the gym.

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all things for the glory of God.”

-1 Corinthians 10:31

Clean up?

We want this co-op to be a community, where we all share in the benefits and responsibilities of making it work. As such, the last class in each room, will do a clean-up of the space. Students will wipe off tables, take the trash out, and vacuum/sweep as necessary.

We also have service hours can include cleaning for parents (sweeping, vacuuming, wiping tables, etc). This helps us to maintain a good relationship with our host church.

A kid is being disruptive!

At Grounded, we want everyone to have an enjoyable learning experience. Our students are here to learn, and our instructors are here to teach. There should be mutual respect between all our members, remembering we are all image bearers of the God who made us.

In the event, however, we have students who are struggling to be self-controlled, we want students, parents, and instructors to work together for a successful outcome for everyone. These are the steps we take to make this happen.

  1. Instructors will ensure class expectations are clearly outlined.  Students are expected to respectfully follow these expectations.  
  2. Instructors will attempt to redirect unwanted behavior.  When necessary, they may report the instance or ask Grounded Admin for assistance.  
  3. In the case a student is purposely disrupting the learning environment, the instructor will attempt to resolve the situation.  If the student won’t desist, the Grounded Admin will step in to try to resolve the issue.  They will decide if any disciplinary action is necessary.  These actions may include but are not limited to teacher/staff verbal warning or reprimand, written reprimand in file, removal from class, and possible dismissal from Grounded. 
  4. Should the Grounded Admin make a decision that is undesirable to the student, the parent may appeal this decision to the board after 10 days. 

The goal of each of these steps is to create an environment for all students to learn without disruption.  As such, Grounded Admin, parents and students will work together to find solutions that honor the Lord and are mutually beneficial for everyone.

Will you have a graduation ceremony?

We will be having a graduation ceremony of some sort, though we’re not completely sure how that will look at this point. We do know we want this to be special and we want to celebrate this amazing accomplishment with your family!

This ceremony is open to every senior who has participated in some capacity (classes, tutoring, teaching assistant, etc.) at Grounded during their senior year.

Sounds good! How do we join?

Yay! We are so excited to meet you! Head over to the Join Us page and fill out the Family Registration form.

We’ll be in touch soon to set up an interview with you. While we prefer to do in person interviews with the whole family, we know this isn’t always an option. We’re happy to work with you to find something that works.

After that, you can enroll your students! You’ll be able to look at the class schedule and pick out classes for your kiddos. Classes are on a first come, first served basis and enrollment is finalized only after the first semester enrollment fee is paid.

Still have questions?

Like what you see?

Check out our classes or head over to enrollment!